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Schönfeld-Marsch - click for larger image
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Schönfeld-Marsch - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Schönfeld-Marsch
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Street march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info MBF (card size)
Format DirStm (Condensed Score and parts)
Publisher's article no. 46
Year of publication 1993
Composer Ziehrer, Carl Michael
Arranger Schadenbauer, Hans
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries PWM-at (Literaturliste Polka, Walzer, Marsch)
Duration 3:10
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External link external link https://youtu.be/9_ClROLnKY0
Available yes yes
Programme notes: additional text

The official defile march of the German champions was the "Schönfeldmarsch". It was composed by Carl Michael Ziehrer, who wore the uniform of a k. and k. military conductor three times: at the Regiment Graf Gondrecourt, at the Regiment 76ern and from 1885 to 1894 at the Deutschmeistern. He presented seven marching compositions in connection with this chapel, but also many other works of the light muse. Ziehrer was one of the typical Austrian military kapellmeister, whose music not only inspired the marching steps of the soldiers, but also the aristocratic and bourgeois circles to dance, of course again and again with brand new compositions of their own.

Ziehrer was the conductor of the Deutschmeister when his three-act operetta "Ein Deutschmeister" was premiered in 1888. The waltz "Unsere Edelknaben" (Our Edelknaben) also stems from this, another proof of the compositions Master Ziehrer dedicated to his regiment. With musicians in Deutschmeister uniforms, Ziehrer finally conquered the new world, America, in 1893 on the occasion of the World Exposition in Chicago.

To dedicate a march to Baron von Schönfeld, that the "Fesche Geist" forgot about Ziehrer, but it didn't matter, within a few minutes he had thrown down the march theme, it only needed to be orchestrated and then the Baron had his march, which probably became more famous than the weapons of his dedicatee and even found its way into the collection of Prussian army marches. So even our neighbours, who were supposedly much more strictly and correctly oriented, could not completely deny themselves the charm of Austrian marching sounds.

Quelle/Source: MusicaInfo

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