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Wilhelm Tell Ouvertüre - click for larger image
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Wilhelm Tell Ouvertüre - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Wilhelm Tell Ouvertüre
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Overture, arrangement
Instrumentation YB (young band)
Publisher's article no. 20061036
Price 36.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Rossini, Gioacchino
Arranger Hafner, Gerhard
Difficulty level 2
Duration 3:20
Additional info/contents Light edition of the opera of the same name
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Programme notes: additional text

When the opera "Guillaume Tell" had its world premiere in Paris on 3 August 1829, it was received with favour. Rossini undoubtedly achieved the feat of crowning and ending his career as an opera composer with a great success. Of the opera "William Tell", it is mainly the brilliant overture that remains in the collective memory today. The opera itself was rarely performed in its entirety and underwent numerous cuts and alterations. It is only in the recent past that the opera has increasingly been given the right to appear as a whole. A popular anecdote tells of how the manager of an opera house proudly told Rossini that the second act of "Tell" would be performed today, to which Rossini dryly replied: "Complete or shortened?

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