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Minz und Maunz - click for larger image
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Minz und Maunz - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Minz und Maunz
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Solo for clarinet(s)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band); Clr (Bb clarinet)
Instrumentation/info Solo f. 2Clr
Publisher's article no. 20091001
Price 62.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Hafner, Gerhard
Difficulty level 2
Duration 11:10
Additional info/contents Die Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug aus 'Der Struwwelpeter'
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Programme notes: additional text

Solo for 2 clarinets in B or Es and concert band.
The Dreadful Story of Pauline and the Matches.
Mamma and Nurse went out one day,
And left Pauline alone at play;
Around the room she gayly sprung,
Clapp'd her hands, and danced, and sung.,
Now, on the table close at hand,
A box of matches chanced to stand,
And kind Mamma and Nurse had told her,
That if she touched them they would scold her;
But Pauline said, "Oh, what a pity!
For, when they burn, it is so pretty;
They crackle so, and spit, and flame;
And Mamma often burns the same.
I'll just light a match or two
As I have often seen my mother do."
When Minz and Maunz, the pussy-cats, heard this
They held up their paws and began to hiss. -
"Meow!!" they said, "me-ow, me-o!
You'll burn to death, if you do so,
Your parents have forbidden you, you know."
But Pauline would not take advice,
She lit a match, it was so nice!
It crackled so, it burned so clear,-
Exactly like the picture here.
She jumped for joy and ran about,
And was too pleased to put it out.
When Minz and Maunz, the little cats, saw this,
They said, "Oh, naughty, naughty Miss!""
And stretched their claws,
And raised their paws;
"Tis very, very wrong, you know;
Me-ow, me-o, me-ow, me-o!
You will be burnt if you do so,
our mother has forbidden you, you know. "
Now see! oh! see, what a dreadful thing
The fire has caught her apron-string;
Her apron burns, her arms, her hair;
She burns all over, everywhere.
Then how the pussy-cats did mew
What else, poor pussies, could they do?
They screamed for help, 'twas all in vain,
I So then, they said, "We'll scream again.
Make haste, make haste! me-ow! me-o!
She'll burn to death,- we told her so."
So she was burnt with all her clothes,
And arms and hands, and eyes and nose;
Till she had nothing more to lose
Except her little scarlet shoes;
And nothing else but these was found
Among her ashes on the ground.
And when hen the good cats sat beside
The smoking ashes, how they cried!
"Me-ow me-o! ! Me-ow, me-oo! !
What will Mamma and Nursy do?"
Their tears ran down their cheeks so fast.
They made a little pond at last.

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Max und Moritz - Das neue Kindermusical, Buch und CD - click here

Ritter Rudis Raubzüge - click here
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