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Zauberlehrling, Der - click for larger image
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Title Zauberlehrling, Der
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation YB (young band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 2214
Year of publication 2013
Price 52.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Reinau, Thorsten
Difficulty level 1
Additional info/contents An exciting piece for a children's and youth orchestra playing together for the first time!

The little sorcerer's apprentice comes home full of joy from his first magic lesson and wants to immediately present what he has learned today to his family and friends. So he invites them to a little magic show. Everyone is waiting excitedly and the little sorcerer's apprentice begins his performance with concentration. He takes his magic wand in his hand and - supported by his audience - calls out the famous magic spell:
But - the trick fails. Disappointed by this failure, he angrily repeats the magic spell again and angrily hits the table with his magic wand. But he doesn't let himself be discouraged, thinks for a moment and starts a second attempt. This time he is even more concentrated and lo and behold - it works and his audience is delighted. Full of joy, the little sorcerer's apprentice dances in a circle and looks forward to many more magic tricks that he will learn and perform.
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