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Deutschmeister Regimentsmarsch - click for larger image
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Deutschmeister Regimentsmarsch - Sample sheet music
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Title Deutschmeister Regimentsmarsch
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Street march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 1979
Year of publication 2007
Price 44.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Jurek, Wilhelm August
Arranger Scherzer, Eduard
Difficulty level 2+
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Available yes yes
Programme notes: additional text

The Deutschmeister-Regimentsmarsch (occasionally also called Deutschmeistermarsch) is a military march composed in 1893 and the most famous composition of the Austrian composer Wilhelm August Jurek. The march has its name from the K.u.k., which is named after the Hochmeister and Deutschmeister. Infantry Regiment Hoch- und Deutschmeister No. 4, to which Jurek belonged at the time of the origin of the march. To this day, the Deutschmeister Regiment March is one of the most popular military marches and a standard repertoire for many military and civilian bands.
The Deutschmeister Regiment March had its premiere on 19 March 1893. The circumstances of this premiere were rather unusual: the march was not played by a military band, but was performed by a 23-year-old composer on the piano and sung by a comrade named Auerböck. Jurek had immediately written a text for the march that predestined him for the regiment march of the Hoch- und Deutschmeister: In the refrain, the line Mir san is repeatedly sung by the ka and ka infantry regiment Hoch- und Deutschmeister Nummero Vier. The catchy melody and the easy to remember text ensured that the march quickly became a hit and spread rapidly. Thus it finally found its way into the repertoire of the band of the Deutschmeister Regiment.

Quelle/Source: Wikipedia

Anzenberger: Deutschmeister Regimentsmarsch

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