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Opern-Soiree - click for larger image
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Opern-Soiree - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Opern-Soiree
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert polka
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info Polka francaise
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 2288
Year of publication 2018
Price 79.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Strauss, Eduard
Arranger Totzauer, Michael
Opus no. op.162
Difficulty level 3
Duration 4:10
Additional info/contents A rarity of the Strauss Dynasty from the program of the New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic!
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
Sample score Sample score click here
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External link external link https://youtu.be/6ptegsIGsqM
Available yes yes
Programme notes: additional text

On February 9, 1956, the first Vienna Opera Ball after the Second World War took place, although everything had already begun with the first opera soirée in December 1877: Johann and Eduard Strauss gave their first joint concert with the Vienna Philharmonic at that time. And when Eduard Strauss performed his "Opern-Soirée-Polka", the chairs in the opera were cleared away and the Viennese danced - which the emperor did not particularly like. This was the title of the "Wiener Fremdenblatt" on the following day: "Viennese blood and Viennese courage prevail".

Quelle/Source: Presseportal

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