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Schemua-Marsch - click for larger image
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Schemua-Marsch - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Schemua-Marsch
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Street march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info MBF (card size)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Publisher's article no. 20201232
Price 36.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Blaton, Anton
Arranger Hafner, Gerhard
Difficulty level 1
Duration 02:50
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Programme notes: additional text

Born in Silesia, Anton Blaton studied in Prague, was a theatre musician and then a military musician in the old Austria. After further studies in Budapest, he returned to military music, this time as Kapellmeister, and remained in this position until the end of the Danube Monarchy with Infantry Regiment No. 82, whose regimental owner, Feldzeugmeister Blasius Schemua, a native of Carinthia, is also the dedicatee of the Schemua-Marsch. The trio melody was later accompanied by the admittedly completely unmilitary text "Himmlischer Vater, wir hab'n kein klein's Geld". Like many other old Austrian military bandmasters, Anton Blaton composed all kinds of dance music for the bourgeois society of his time.

Quelle/Source: Kliment Musikverlag; CD-Covertext

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