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Muzne vpred (Mutig voran) - click for larger image
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Muzne vpred (Mutig voran) - Sample sheet music
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Title Muzne vpred (Mutig voran)
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Street march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info MBF (card size)
Format DirStm (Condensed Score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 2310
Price 39.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Hancl, Josef
Arranger Ebner, Stefan
Additional info/contents "Boldly Forward (Muzne vpred)" by Josef Hancl is not only an impressive march, but also a cultural heritage that represents the history and community spirit of a particular era. The artistic brilliance of Hancl's composition and the piece's enduring popularity make it a timeless work that continues to enrich the cultural and musical landscape.
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Programme notes: additional text

The march "Bravely Forward (Muzne vpred)" by the Czech composer Josef Hancl is an outstanding example of the powerful and rousing tradition of marching music. The march is characterized by its powerful melodies and energetic rhythms. The characteristic march form, characterized by a striking tempo and a strong emphasis on the steps, gives the piece a majestic character. Hancl cleverly uses the dynamic contrasts and variety of wind instruments to create an intoxicating atmosphere. The melodic lines are catchy and leave a lasting impression.

The Bravely Forward March has a deep historical connection dating back to the times of the First Czechoslovak Republic. The musical composition reflects the self-confidence and determination of people during this time. Particularly during politically turbulent times, marching music served as an expression of community spirit and patriotic devotion, and "Boldly Forward" is an excellent example of this cultural resonance.

The march has acquired strong cultural significance over the years and has become a regular feature of military parades, concerts and celebrations. The powerful music and optimistic atmosphere of "Boldly Forward" have helped the piece become a symbol of resilience and unity. The work has gained recognition and popularity both in the Czech Republic and internationally.

Josef Hancl's composition has left a lasting influence not only in the world of marching music, but also in the field of brass music in general. The stirring rhythms and artistic design of the march have contributed to the piece being regularly performed in concerts by wind orchestras. The versatility of the composition allows different ensembles to bring their individual interpretations to the piece.

Quelle/Source: musicainfo.net (KI)

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