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Abbreviations/music lexiconAbbreviations/music lexicon
Abbreviation Tmb
German (de) Tamburin
English (en) tambourine
Spanish (es) pandereta
French (fr) tambourin
Hungarian (hu) tamburin
Italian (it) tamburello
Dutch (nl) tamboerijn
Portuguese (pt) Pandeireta
Definition/synonyms timbrel; beatring; tambourine is a musical instrument in the percussion family consisting of a frame, often of wood or plastic, with pairs of small metal jingles, called "zills". Classically the term tambourine denotes an instrument with a drumhead, though some variants may not have a head at all. Tambourines are often used with regular percussion sets. They can be mounted, for example on a stand as part of a drum kit (and played with drum sticks), or they can be held in the hand and played by tapping or hitting the instrument.
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Heurigenbrüder von Julius Fucik, arr. Stefan Ebner - click here

Ritter Rudis Raubzüge - click here
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