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Abbreviations/music lexiconAbbreviations/music lexicon
Abbreviation agbl
German (de) Agogo
English (en) Agogo
Spanish (es) Agogô
French (fr) Agogô
Italian (it) Agogô
Dutch (nl) Agogô
Portuguese (pt) Agogô
Definition/synonyms An agogô (Yoruba: agogo, meaning bell) is a single or a multiple bell now used throughout the world but with origins in traditional Yoruba and Edo music and also in the samba baterias (percussion ensembles). The agogô may be the oldest samba instrument and was based on West African Yoruba single or double bells. The agogô has the highest pitch of any of the bateria instruments.
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Ritter Rudis Raubzüge - click here

Um Mitternacht von Julius Fucik, arr. Stefan Ebner - click here
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