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Abbreviations/music lexiconAbbreviations/music lexicon
Abbreviation LgDr
German (de) Schlitztrommel
English (en) Log Drum
Spanish (es) tambor de registro; tambor de hendidura
French (fr) Log Drum
Italian (it) tamburo di tronchi; tamburo a fessura
Dutch (nl) Log Drum
Portuguese (pt) Log Drum; tambor de fenda
Definition/synonyms A Log Drum or slit drum is a hollow percussion instrument, usually of bamboo or wood, which is made more resonant through one or more slits in it. Most slit drums have three slits, cut into the shape of an "H". If, as is usual, the resultant tongues are different lengths or thicknesses, the drum will produce 2 different pitches. This hollowed out log gives the deep resonance of drums when hit on the outside with sticks.
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