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Balletti (Tanzsuite) - click for larger image
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Title Balletti (Tanzsuite)
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Music from Renaissance Baroque ( - ca 1750)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Publisher's article no. 29
Composer Kaiser Leopold I.
Arranger Schadenbauer, Hans
Difficulty level 1
Duration 5:10
Additional info/contents Tanzsuite in 5 Sätzen von Kaiser Leopold I. (1640-1705)
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Programme notes: additional text

Emperor Leopold I was a gifted composer and music lover who played several instruments and conducted his chamber orchestra himself. He left behind over 230 compositions of various kinds, from smaller sacred compositions and oratorios to ballets and German Singspiels. Above all, he promoted Italian music, especially Italian opera. Nevertheless, he was the first non-Italian to appoint Johann Heinrich Schmelzer as Imperial Court Kapellmeister. Italian influences, often tinged with religion, also played an important role in literature.

Quelle/Source: Wikipedia


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Requiem von Julius Fucik, arr. Eduard Scherzer - click here

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