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Entree - click for larger image
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Entree - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Entree
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Festive music, fanfare, hymns
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 1620
Year of publication 1996
Price 49.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Gramberger, Ingrid M.
Difficulty level 2+
Duration 4:00
Additional info/contents When the author gave the title 'Entrée', she remembered that this word does not only mean 'beginning, beginning' but also 'starter'. In this sense she would like to see her work as a tasty starter for the exquisite menu of a concert.
The work was first performed on July 1, 1995 during the anniversary celebration '145 years of market music Taiskirchen'.
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Programme notes: additional text

With percussion and low brass, with the trumpets flashing briefly, the tonal foundation for the following musical thoughts is first laid in striking chords. A gentle, lyrical melody, at first only in low brass (tenor horns, trombones), to which woodwinds and flugelhorns are gradually added, stands out from the underground mystical sounds of the low brass register, and thus a meditative section of particular atmospheric content is offered, as it were a reminder of inner preparation, a spiritual attunement for the following festive event, which is markedly introduced by the percussion. The trumpets introduce a cheerful theme, an idiosyncratic but extremely appealing tonal whole of baroque colour and modern rhythm. The lyrical melody now sounds - rhythmically tightened - in major. A secondary melody in the horns enriches the theme of festive joie de vivre, which is finally overlaid by the trumpet fanfare. The opening music in the brass registers is festively sublime and full of atmosphere.
Transparent music-making and attention to the individual timbres of the orchestra's registers are necessary, but any good middle school band will be able to perform this work successfully, which represents an original and immensely high-quality enrichment of festive music.

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