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Lied an den Mond, aus der Oper 'Rusalka' - click for larger image
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Lied an den Mond, aus der Oper 'Rusalka' - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Lied an den Mond, aus der Oper 'Rusalka'
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Solo for voice/song
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band); VoSoSop (soprano vocal)
Instrumentation/info Sopr (soprano)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 1433
Price 75.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Dvorak, Antonin
Arranger Lechner, Joe
Difficulty level 3
Duration 10:40
Additional info/contents Lyrisches Märchen in drei Akten.
Uraufführung in Prag am 31. März 1901
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External link external link https://youtu.be/6qo2HXj8xqM
Available yes yes
Programme notes: additional text

Rusalka is Antonín Dvořák's most successful opera. It was written in 1900 to a libretto by Jaroslav Kvapil and premiered on 31 March 1901 at the Prague National Theatre under the direction of Karel Kovařovic. The libretto is based on Slavic folk myths about the rusalky (water spirits, mermaids) and is similar to the German tale "Undine" by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" and the Old French Melusina legend.(1)

The fairy-tale opera Rusalka is fascinating both for its Undine subject matter and for its truly enchanting music. In the Song to the Moon, the work's best-known number, the dreamy, ethereal mood of nature and the wonderful melodic writing come across particularly beautifully.(2)

Quelle/Source: Wikipedia(1); Kammermusikführer(2); Songtexte(3)

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