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Maria Stuart - click for larger image
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Maria Stuart - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Maria Stuart
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Contemporary Music (1945-present)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Publisher's article no. 20021055
Year of publication 1998
Price 71.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Hafner, Gerhard
Difficulty level 3
Duration 11:00
Additional info/contents Die Lebensgeschichte von Maria Stuart
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Programme notes: additional text

Mary Stuart (1542-1568) was of Scottish descent and was educated in France. As a pretty, very young 17-year-old girl she had to marry the French King Francois II. But when her husband died a year later, Mary Stuart returned to Scotland to her home country. But there were tensions with the ruling British Queen Elizabeth, for the Catholics of the country insisted that Mary, as the great-granddaughter of the despot Henry VII, had to be the lawful heiress to the English and Scottish throne. There were numerous intrigues and minor skirmishes about the reign. As a 23-year-old determined woman and already Queen of Scotland she married a Lord, who was murdered in a dastardly fashion shortly afterwards. For many supporters her love for her husband's murderer was incomprehensible. When she then even married the cursed individual, she had to flee. Queen Elizabeth of England, her arch-enemy, found her hiding place, and for 19 years Mary had to pay dearly behind prison walls. When Mary spun a web of conspiracies from prison, she was taken to court, which led to her execution.

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