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Nordische Rhapsodie - click for larger image
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Title Nordische Rhapsodie
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Festive music, fanfare, hymns
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format DirStm (Condensed Score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 604
Price 135.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Reinl, Franz Josef
Difficulty level 4
Duration 12:00
Additional info/contents Pflichtstück des ÖBV 2007/2008 in der Leistungsstufe D.
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Available yes yes
Programme notes: additional text

Impressions of the Nordic Rhapsody:
Wide stretches the land - empty and grey, as if shrouded in pale light, everything appears. Mountains, snow...Barren land...The sea sings its ancient, primeval song.... Man enters the world. With hard work he cultivates his fields and with diligence he creates a home for himself and his own...Boys and girls celebrate the bringing in of the harvest with merry dancing. In the evening a tender song is sung for the beloved wife...But dangers threaten: Happiness and prosperity are short-lived and must be fought for again and again against all the storms of life.
Format EUR
Nordische Rhapsodie - click here Nordische Rhapsodie (concert/wind band), Condensed Score and parts 135.00
Klangspiel - click here Klangspiel, audio CD

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