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Rumänische Impressionen - click for larger image
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Rumänische Impressionen - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Rumänische Impressionen
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Solo for clarinet(s)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info Solo f. 1Clr / 1Flt
Publisher's article no. KL 1501
Year of publication 1994
Price 65.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Bönisch, Josef
Difficulty level 2
Duration 2:50
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Programme notes: additional text

The solo piece begins with a lyrical, delicately orchestrated introduction and a short moderato section that give the solo instrument room for free musical expression. The tempo increases slowly to a two-quarter Allegro, which demands a great deal of technical skill from the soloist. After a short Allegro vivo section, the composition ends with the opening theme in a slow, free performance.

The orchestral part is very transparently orchestrated throughout and can be mastered from a good 4th grade level of difficulty. Numerous cue notes support this. The folkloristic performance piece is conceivably well suited for orchestras that have good flutists or clarinettists in their ranks who want to prove themselves as soloists. The relatively short but crowd-pleasing work is perfect for hall and square concerts. In my opinion, it is less suitable for a beer tent, because only an attentive audience can appreciate the beauty of the music and the soloistic bravura accordingly.

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