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Tambour schlag ein - click for larger image
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Title Tambour schlag ein  out of print 
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Street march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info MBF (card size)
Double number/set Hoch die Musik
Year of publication 1969
Composer Schmid, Hans
Difficulty level 1+
Sample score Sample score click here
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External link external link http://d-nb.info/998777226
Programme notes: additional text

This march is a relatively late work by Hans Schmid and dates from 1968.
Since the days of the Biedermeier era, when the military bandmaster Andreas Nemetz established the "beat in" of the march, the percussion instruments have been called upon countless times to begin a march with their "beat in", especially when marching with sounding playing. The call to do this can be verbal or simply by the corresponding signal with the baton. Hans Schmid has chosen a practical title for his lively march, which is also excellently suited for the evaluation of marching music.

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