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Wo die Zitronen blüh'n - click for larger image
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Wo die Zitronen blüh'n - Sample sheet music
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Title Wo die Zitronen blüh'n
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert waltz
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Publisher's article no. KL 1269
Series title Wiener Musik Edition
Price 149.00 EUR (incl. 10 % Austrian VAT)
Composer Strauss, Johann Sohn
Arranger Hofmann, Anton; Reinau, Thorsten
Opus no. Op.364
Difficulty level 4
Evaluation level of countries PWM-at (Literaturliste Polka, Walzer, Marsch)
Duration 9:20
Additional info/contents Neue, revidierte Fassung mit Partitur.
Selbstwahlstück des ÖBV Stufe D 2009-2010
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External link external link http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wo_die_Zitronen_bl%C3%BChen
Available yes yes
Programme notes: additional text

Johann Strauss' Opus 364 was written on the occasion of a tour of Italy. The first performance of this waltz took place on 10 June 1874 at the Etablissement Gartenbau in Vienna. A vocal version with the singer Marie Geistinger was performed on June 27, 1874, and a performance of 'Bella Italia' in Milan in May of the same year is already documented.

The title reference can be seen in the song of Mignon in Goethe's novel "Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship", as well as in Thomas Ambriose's opera "Mignon". With the romance "Do you know the land where the lemons bloom", the librettists of the opera drew on the touchingly romantic fate of the gypsy girl Mignon in Goethe's work.

Quelle/Source: Kliment Musikverlag

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